Andrew TV

My nephew Andres, mouth-opened to TV.

*ballpen & digital color

"King of Pop"

Illustration published in "Belio Magazine" #28 Pop issue.

A Cat in the Roof

Right-click to zoom in.

"Inside A Boy"

I´ve recently made the official video for "My Brightest Diamond" song.

My Brightest Diamond - Inside a Boy from Asthmatic Kitty on Vimeo.

Winner of the RTVA Prize to the Andalusian Audiovisual Creation 2008


Medusa from Rafa Toro on Vimeo.

Brief 10 seconds clip for the Toronto Animated Image Society "Monsterjam 2007"

Zacarias Zombie

Zacarias Zombie from Rafa Toro on Vimeo.

Back in 2004 I made all the characters designs of this short film.


Not one but two entries this time!


My first contribution to "Illustration Friday"

Test 1

Making some tests on after effects...

"Cuentos para pasar miedo (o no tanto)"

Two of the nine illustrations I´ve drawn for the Carmen Gil´s new book...

Coming soon on stores!

Dos de las nueve ilustraciones que he hecho para el libro de cuentos de Carmen Gil...

Proximamente en las librerias.